wirral tutors network

Excellent tutoring language services

throughout The Wirral, England


*Please note many classes are very popular and class numbers are limited so places are allocated on a first come, first serve basis. We recommend you enrol and pay as soon as possible to avoid any disappointment. Payment options will be sent upon recieving the enrolment form. Due to the current situation classes will be smaller so it is advisable to book early. 

New Complete Beginner Level 1 start week commencing 9th September 2024

Beginner Level 2 intermediate and advanced Classes start week commencing 16th September 2024 students are welcome to join us anytime during the academic year

Please make sure when you select the language course you also complete the level, day and time on the form before submitting

Adult Language Enrolment Form

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For more information contact us:

0151 200 2117

0791 0833 584

0774 0312 180

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Conversational levels are also available

Our classes are divided into 10 week terms and comply with the "Common European Frame work for Languages". In order to reach each level the minimum learning time required is 30 weeks. If you are looking for an exam accreditation for your language, we will give you all the support you need in order to achieve your goal.

Small groups for more conversation

We offer 1 hour and 1 hour and 30 min sessions

From £105 every ten weeks. A small extra charge will be added to it if the numbers are below 8 students in order to keep the course running.


 learn a language

Whether you want to learn a language for the first time or looking to improve your language skills, we have a language tutor for you.

 Lessons starting at the time of your choice there is something for all, from beginners, improvers, conversation or advanced, exam preparation is also available.

We are now offering language adult courses through the year via Zoom.


Join Wirral Tutors Network

If you would like to join Wirral Tutors Network please forward your CV to:


or call us on:

(0151)2002117 or 07910833584

All Tutors MUST hold a teaching Qualification, have teaching experience, hold a Degree or be native speakers (Language tutors). We are now seeking Tutors who fit the above requirements.


Exam support for GCSE

Exam support for

GCSE / AS, A level

We offer support for those students studying for public exams.

Students can Join at any time of the academic year. Private tuition is also available on request for a minimum of two lessons, to address any special area of the curriculum.

or call us on:

(0151)2002117 or 07910833584

Contacting Wirral Tutors Network

Call or email us now to see how we can help

Telephone: 01512002117


Email: info@wirraltutorsnetwork.co.uk

Enquiry Form

Please let us know your name.
Please let us know your email address.
Please write a subject for your message.
Please let us know your message.